Los Jardineros
Garden Club 0f Taos
In 1949 Taos resident Mrs. Don Secrest called a meeting of interested people to discuss starting a garden club. Thirty five people attended. On March 3, 1949 the organization was officially named the Taos Garden Club. Mrs. Secrest became the first president; Mrs. Arthur Lyckman, vice -president; Mrs. Lozier Funk, treasurer; and Regina Cooke, secretary.
In the first year, the Club presented programs on horticulture, conservation, world gardening and flower culture. Local experts, government agents and outstanding state gardeners served as speakers. The hollyhock was selected as the official flower. Club members collected hollyhock seeds for planting along streets, alleyways, and throughout the countryside around Taos. The Club sponsored the selection of the Fiesta Queen. A flower show was held at the County Fair. Gardens were planted and maintained at the then Thorne House Historical Museum. The now infamous 'Taos Garden Tour' was initiated. Decorative favors were made for hospital patients at Christmas and 300 trees distributed for planting.
The Club conducted a strong letter writing campaign to congress about the caterpillar menace in the Carson National forest. It vigorously opposed the cutting down of trees on the Paseo del Pueblo Norte. Additionally, seeds were sent to the Philippines and to Hiroshima, hoping to help make that devastated area a 'city of peace'.
In its first year, the Garden Club took a prominent place in the town of Taos. It has continued programs and projects of education, conservation, beautification, and protection of historic and scenic treasures for over sixty years - making Los Jardineros a true "TaoseƱo!"
As we continue to strive to beautify our incredible little town in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristos, let's take time to appreciate those who came before us - and always keep their pioneering spirits alive.