Los Jardineros
Garden Club 0f Taos
Our September speaker is Deborah Dubay who will discuss the best methods for overwintering bulbs. Dubay will be discussing aspects of planting spring bulbs including times to plant, protecting and promoting hardy growth, and design ideas including layering bulbs in pots to create a spring basket look!
Growing up on a 60-acre farm between Boston and Cape Cod gave Debrah Dubay a love of the outdoors and its natural beauty. She spent endless hours observing and learning about nature’s connectivity and wonders of the natural web of life while helping her Dad in his gardens and deadheading roses, zinnias, and petunias in her Grandmother’s huge rose gardens across the street.
Dubay is a Master Gardener who has had the privilege of classes with Texas Master Gardener, Jim Johnson, at Texas A&M University as well as Master Gardener classes right here in Taos. She continues to learn gardening tips from local customers at Rio Grande Ace in the lawn and garden department where she works several days each week.