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Los Jardineros

Garden Club 0f Taos

Tour of SpiriTaos Garden

  • Friday, July 12, 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Address and Directions Provided After Registration


  • Arrive for tour at 9 am and leave by 9:50 am
  • Arrive for tour at 10 am and leave by 10:50 am
  • Arrive for tour at 11 am and depart by 1150 am.

Registration is closed

Dan Jones lives a life of intention cast through his upbringing on a centuries-old New England farm. This has given him an innate passion for sustainability and following the principles of permaculture. A Landscape Horticulture degree from Michigan State University combines with his life-long gardening passion for an in-depth knowledge of plant material and a design philosophy rooted in learning from and emulating Mother Nature.

The SpiriTaos Gardens demonstrate a creative blending of true New Mexico natives with other climate-appropriate plants and a few garden favorites. Dan uses his garden as a demonstration garden for landscape clients as well as a wedding venue. The gardens are set in lowland meadows and berms are necessary to achieve the drainage for many natives to thrive. The gardens’ pathways lead you through the whimsical garden structure, by several water features and the eclectic, nature-inspired additions of tree trunks and boulders.

Dan’s lifestyle coalesces around his Joaquin Karcher designed home which is heated and powered by the sun. His home creates an environment that provides year-round comfort sans a carbon footprint. He raises a significant portion of his food. Other systems at his home are captured rainwater, use of graywater, solar-heated water and photovoltaic panels that offset his electric usage and a greenhouse and coldframe for year-round food production. A unique water-heating woodstove provides his back up heat and domestic hot water in times of extended cloudiness. 

Please plan for carpooling to this garden.  More people can be accommodated IF, they coordinate to carpool together. The logistics of the narrow road and limited parking is what limits the cars. The gardens can accommodate more visitors if they arrive together in one of the reserved cars.  Therefore, the car driver should register and indicate other members riding with them as guests, so we can accommodate as many people as possible and still limit the number of cars per hour to 10.

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